Be Creative

The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Being creative is a wonderful self care tool. Creativity is incredibly rewarding, as it can be an outlet for stress. It can awaken the mind, change up the energy, provide a new perspective, and bring you into the present moment. 

One of my favorite creativity self care tools is coloring. For as long as I can remember, I have loved it...and it has been so heart-warming to see it grow in popularity in recent years. When I have had a long day, I will pull out my coloring books and markers...and like a moving meditation, it allows the stress, or whatever I am feeling at that moment, to spill out onto the page and dissolve. Coloring is a really simple way to be creative and let the mind unwind and let go.

Creative Ideas…


Perhaps you enjoyed writing in school. If so, take some time with paper and pen, and write something that has been tapping you on the a short story or some poetry.

Drawing or Painting

If you have a few pencils, or maybe some paint and a paintbrush tucked away for a rainy day, dust them off and make use of them. Or start with a coloring book…and see what unfolds.


Perhaps you love photography. Using something like Instagram has awakened the photographic creativity in so many people. Even editing pictures can be an incredibly creative outlet for self care.

Pinterest and blogs

We are so lucky to now have things like Pinterest and blogs, which provide endless creative ideas and how-tos for every season, holiday, and for that rainy day.

Holiday Creativity

During the holiday season, being creative seems to come to the forefront. Things like making holiday cards and decorations, and baking and decorating cookies can be wonderful creative activities and self care tools for such a busy time of year. Being creative as a self care tool has endless benefits, it assists one in stress reduction, brings one into the present moment, awaken and unwinds the mind, shifts the energy, and brings about a new perspective. 

Whether you believe that you are creative or not, that is not the point and judging yourself defeats the process, instead simply try it and see what beauty unfolds.