What is Neurodiversity?

According to Harvard Health (2021) Neurodiversity is “the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one ‘right’ way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits.” 

Neurodivergence is not a diagnosis, instead, it is a nonmedical umbrella term that includes the following:

  • Highly Sensitive Persons
  • Autism 
  • ADHD
  • Learning Disorders

What is a Highly Sensitive Person?

My favorite way to describe a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is with Dr. Elaine Aaron's DOES. An HSP will experience the following:

D is for  Depth of Processing

O stands for Overstimulation

E is for Emotional Reactivity and Empathy

S stands for Sensing the Subtle

For more information, Dr. Elaine Aaron's website: hsperson.com  is a fantastic resource.

What ages do you work with?

I work with individuals 18 years and older. 

Do you accept insurance?

I am an out-of-network provider and do not accept insurance. Many insurance companies include out-of-network benefits. I recommend that you contact your provider to see how much they will reimburse for an out-of-network provider. On the first of every month, I email you a Super Bill you can submit to your provider for reimbursement.  

What are your fees?

Individual Therapy is $200 

Spiritual Teaching and Life Coaching is $175

What should I expect if I reach out to you?

Initial Phone Consultation

We talk for 15 minutes about your wants, needs, presenting concerns, and goals for your future to determine if this type of healing would be the most beneficial for you. If so, we schedule our first session.

Before Our First Session

I email you the paperwork, which includes informed consent, payment information, and a questionnaire. This paperwork must be completed before our scheduled session.

First Session

We spend the hour exploring YOU - your dreams, aspirations, worries, concerns, and goals, in addition to getting to know one another. If we determine that it is a good fit, we begin the healing journey together.  

What is the difference between Therapy and Spiritual Teaching/Coaching?


  • Deals with trauma, dysfunction, and difficulties
  • Therapist diagnose
  • Focus has more emphasis on the past
  • Progress, at times, can be painful
  • Therapist and client share responsibility
  • Therapists focus on “why” certain behavioral patterns occur
  • Online and/or in an office
  • A Therapist can only practice within the state they are licensed

Spiritual Teaching and Life Coaching

  • Client is self aware; and has the desire for life to go from ‘good’ to ‘great’
  • Coaches do not diagnose
  • Focus is on present growth and expansion moving forward
  • Progress is enjoyable
  • The client is responsible for their own life
  • Life coaches focus on the “how” of moving forward and expand on their dreams
  • Session are conducted Online
  • Coaches can work with people both nationally and internationally

What is spirituality and how is it different than religion?

Spirituality is a practice cultivated and created by the individual. Generally speaking, spirituality is the belief that something greater than ourselves is guiding and supporting us throughout our lives. Spirituality is unique to each and every person and may look different based on the beliefs of the individual. I approach this type of healing with openness and curiosity about what resonates deeply with the person and explore and expand these constructs with loving-kindness.

If spirituality is a practice created by the individual, a group or organization forms a religion. Religion is typically structured in a hierarchical manner that consists of a particular set of beliefs and practices of which to follow. Spirituality is not better than religion, nor is religion better than spirituality; instead, it is a preference, based on the wants and needs of the individual.

What are some Self Care Tools & Ideas?

A working definition of self-care focuses on health and well-being, the awareness and monitoring of stress, and the coping modalities that reduce stress. In addition, self-care increases well-being for the betterment of life as a whole and assists in understanding the balance between one’s personal and professional obligations. 

I am incredibly passionate about Self Care. My dissertation and two research project focused on the topic. I have created a blog comprising many simple Self Care Tools and Ideas. Enjoy!